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Showing 51-65 of 65 items.

Orderflows – Orderflows Inner Circle Video Club Access

Orderflows - Orderflows Inner Circle Video Club Access What will you learn? Currently there are 56 recorded webinar trainings (new ones will be added as well): These are my personal trading strategies and tips. This is my...

SimplerTrading – Voodoo Vault (Unlock the proprietary formula behind the powerful Voodoo Lines)

Simplertrading – Voodoo Vault: Unlock the proprietary formula behind the powerful Voodoo LinesWhat will you learn?IN ORDER TO PURCHASE THIS COURSE, AN NDA IS REQUIRED. BEFORE ACCESSING THIS CLASS, AN EXECUTED NDA MUST BE RECEIVED AND...

Alexander Goulden & Sacredscience – Behind The Veil

Alexander Goulden – Behind The Veil (Sacredscience) One of the greatest challenges we face here at Sacred Science Institute is in continuing to find new and practical material to present to our clientele that will both...

Dan Sheridan – $10k Portfolio In 2017

Dan Sheridan - $10k Portfolio In 2017 10K PORTFOLIO Class DetailsClass DetailsIn this class, Dan Sheridan shares with you how he constructs, trades, and manages a portfolio of Weekly Trades. First Class with Dan 10K PORTFOLIO 0- Class...

W.D.Gann – Master Charts

W.D.Gann - Master ChartsD. Gann developed several MASTER CHARTS which had amazing forecasting ability.These include the MASTER 12 CHART, THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE PERMANENT CHART, THE MASTER 9 CHART, SIX SQUARES OF NINE, THE MASTER...

Springer Finance – The Mathematics Of Arbitrage

Springer Finance – The Mathematics of ArbitrageProduct DescriptionProof of the “Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing” in its general form by Delbaen and Schachermayer was a milestone in the history of modern mathematical finance and now forms...

Sheridanmentoring – Trading Calendars And Double Diagonals For Income In 2016

Sheridanmentoring - Trading Calendars and Double Diagonals for Income in 2016 Class #1 With Dan: Calendar, Double Diagonal, and Double Calendar Basics 0- Intro 4:00- Whiteboard presentation: How do Calendars work? 10:30- Whiteboard Presentation: How do Butterflies work? 15:10- Whiteboard...

Douglas Evanoff – Systemic Financial Crises

Systemic Financial Crises: Resolving Large Bank InsolvenciesDouglas Darrell Evanoff, George G. Kaufman World Scientific, 2005 - 461 pagesBank failures, like illness and taxes, are almost a certainty at some time in the future. What is less...

Mike McMahon – Opting for Options Trading

Mike McMahon - Opting for Options TradingWhat is a Stock Option?A stock option gives an investor the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a stock at an agreed upon price and date. There are...

John Wang & Grace Wang – AbleTrend - Identifying and Analyzing Market Trends for Trading Success

John Wang & Grace Wang – AbleTrend - Identifying and Analyzing Market Trends for Trading Success A worldwide leader in financial trading software shares one of its most successful systems In AbleTrend, Dr. John Wang discloses for...

Chris Brooks – Introductory Econometrics for Finance (2nd Ed.)

Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 2 edition (22 May 2008) Language: English ISBN-10: 052169468X ISBN-13:978-0521694681This best-selling textbook addresses the need for an introduction to econometrics specifically written for finance students. Key features:• Thoroughly revised and updated, including...

Charles Mackay – Memoirs Of Extraordinary Popular Delusions

Charles Mackay (1841-1889) was born in Perth Scotland. His mother died shortly after his birth, and his father, who had been in turn a Lieutenant on a Royal Navy sloop (captured and imprisoned for four years...

Bill Poulos – Forex Time Machine

Bill Poulos has been trading the markets since 1974. He’s a retired automotive executive who holds a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering, and a Master’s degree in Business Administration, with a major in Finance. In his...

Jack Gillen – Astro View Horse Racing Show

6 MP3 CD set in jewel cases – these are MP3 CDs made by Jack Gillen in which he talks about Horse Racing predictions, including Mercury Factor, Moon Factor, Sun Factor, Jupiter Factor and the Mars...

David Jenyns – Triple Your Trading Profits Couse

DVD #1 – The Mindset