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"real trading is not mechanical"

Showing 1-26 of 26 items.

Packt Publishing – Tradestation EasyLanguage for Algorithmic Trading by Domenico D'errico

Packt Publishing – Tradestation EasyLanguage for Algorithmic Trading by Domenico D'errico With AI revolutionizing financial markets, every trader will soon get easy access to AI models through free Python libraries and datasets, with all of them...

Brian Mcaboy – Trading Is Your Business Course (Thetechnicaltraders)


ETF – ETF Trend Trading Mentorship Course

ETF Trend Trading Mentorship CourseBeat The Returns Of Portfolio Managers, With Less Risk... In Only 10 Minutes Per Night!This report will reveal more facts about the mutual fund industry's conspiracies and how to be your own...

Ron Bertino – Trading Dominion Portfolio Margin and SPAN Margin Trading Tactics

Ron Bertino – Trading Dominion: Portfolio Margin and SPAN Margin Trading Tactics Learn trades that have been specifically designed to take advantage of portfolio and SPAN margin. Increase your returns and have much more safety. Why...

Earik Beann – Mechanical Trading Systems (Wave59)

Harness the Power of Mechanical Trading Systems ...and supercharge your trading by automating it! Mechanical trading systems are one of the greatest developments in the history of trading. Turn them on, connect them to your broker, and they...

Larry Williams – Stock Trading And Investing Course

Larry Williams – Stock Trading And Investing Course Here’s the strategy… Here are the facts… $1,000 invested with Buffett in 1988 would now be worth $47,060. For that same time period, $1,000 invested in my...

Jack Schwager – Guide To Winning With Automated Trading Systems

Jack Schwager - Guide to Winning with Automated Trading Systems If you're like many investors, you're tired of wading through market statistics, tired of reinventing the wheel every time you consider a new investment, and tired...

Hectortrader – Hector Deville (Forex Trading Course)

Hectortrader - Hector Deville (Forex Trading Course) Have you spent hundreds on dollars on "magic" systems that look promising on cherry-picked historical charts but that didn't quite deliver when applied in real time? Have you...

Joe Ross – Electronic Trading. TNT II. How-to-Win Trading Stuff

Joe Ross - Electronic Trading TNT II How-to-Win Trading Stuff (tradingeducators) Electronic Trading 'TNT' II - How-to- Win Trading Stuff This utterly unique trading manual teaches the electronic trader how to deal with the psychological hang-ups...

Joe Ross – Electronic Trading. TNT IV. Tips, Tricks, Strategies And Tactics For Traders

Joe Ross - Electronic Trading. TNT IV. Tips, Tricks, Strategies and Tactics for TradersElectronic Trading 'TNT' IV Tips-Tricks and Other Trading Stuff.This manual, will, when combined with Electronic Trading 'TNT' I, II, and III, constitute a complete...

Walter Bressert – Intraday Timing for Low Risk Swing Trading (Audio, WorkBook)

Walter Bressert – Intraday Timing for Low Risk Swing Trading (Audio, WorkBook) About the Author Walter Bressert has been using market cycles to trade stocks and commodities since the 1970s when his HAL Commodity Cycles was...

Fred Shutzman – Developing Profitable Systems from Discretionary to Mechanical

Fred Shutzman – Developing Profitable Systems from Discretionary to Mechanical When trading on a discretionary basis, most traders look at many different tools and indicators and combine these into a logical decision making process. However, in...

Joe Ross – Zulu Trading Method for the Soybeans

Joe Ross – Zulu Trading Method for the Soybeans Joe Ross Joe Ross has been trading and investing since his first trade at the age of 14, and is a well known Master Trader and Investor....

Michael Valtos – Order Flow Dynamics

The Order Flow Dynamics Trading Course In the Order Flow Dynamics course, we concentrate on the representation of traded price activity by observing the footprints left by traders which are the result of supply, demand, human...

Daniel Ferrera – The Art Of Trade

Daniel T. Ferrera – The Art Of Trade W. D. Gann’s System of Chart Reading & Pattern Trading "Following the rules is what makes money… Buy or sell only on rules and on definite indications. Let...

Forex Powerband Dominator

Forex Powerband Dominator ( Yes, he’s back, and “You are about to discover a deadly accurate market dominating Forex system”. It’s a system that “has never been shared with anyone” and it’s one that Dean has...

John Templeton – Price Action

John Templeton - Price Action If You Are Looking For Some Trading Robot That Will Automatically Trade For You, Or A “Magical” Indicator That Will Tell You When To Buy Or Sell, THIS IS NOT FOR...


OPENTRADER – PROFESSIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMIf you’ve been a losing trader, getting beaten down by the market again and again, low on confidence and full of doubt, things are about to change for you.Welcome to what we...

ITPM – New York Super Conference 2016

ITPM – New York Super Conference 2016 Videos NY 1 – Raj Malhotra: Pricing Options Like a Market Maker Video length: 43 Minutes As an Options Trader, Raj Malhotra has had one of the most successful...

Russ Horn – Forex Strategy Master

Russ Horn – Forex Strategy Master From the mind of the greatest Forex trader of our time comes the fastest and easiest way to make money in the Forex market likely ever conceived… Full time traders,...

David M. Williams – MQL for Traders

MQL For Traders Ebook: Step-by-Step Learning Learn To Build a MetaTrader Expert Advisor in One Day! This book is a 112 page step-by-step tutorial designed to teach anybody how to program in MQL in about 1 day....

Timingsolution – Timing Solution Advanced + Terra Incognita

Timingsolution – Timing Solution Advanced (Pattern Recognition included) You are here. I bet that you have had enough experience with different charting tools and methods of Technical Analysis. You have tried Fibonacci levels, pitchforks, fans, elleipses,...

Joe Ross – Andy's EMini Bar (40 Min System)

Joe Ross - Andy's EMini Bar - 40 Min SystemAndy's E-mini Bar ™A new way "with controlled risk" for intraday tradingwith stable payoutsAfter months of research, testing and real trading we are still satisfied with the...

Traderscoach – ART Charting Software

ART Charting Software (2006-11-08)Welcome and thank you for your interest in Applied Reality Trading®. The ART® Trading Software is a sophisticated and fun trading and investment tool designed to enhance, educate, and deliver results. The Applied...

Marshall J.Jones – Learn to daytrade the emini SP 500

Marshall J.Jones – Learn to daytrade the emini SP 500 How does it work? … Simple-as-123 There are three stock indices that we look at after the market opens for the US Session and throughout the...

John Templeton – Price Action Trade Course

John Templeton – Price Action Trade Course What Does Price Action Tell Me? Well, in short……..everything (at least from the technical analysis side). You know how people read a book? Or how you are reading this right...